FozzSezz's Profile US

FozzSezz's Avatar
Name: FozzSezz
Birth date: 03 May, 1956
Relationship status: Single
Country: United States
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
City: MCKEESPORT, PA, 15132
Joined: 4 months ago
Profile viewed: 182 times
About me: Mature Gent, Strong Spirit, Open Playful Mind, Tender Heart, Gentle Nature, Loving Soul... EZ, relaxed, casual, prefer to laugh at myself, listen to others, learn together. Enjoy connections as many ways as comfortable, intimacy can be found at all times, anyplace depending on sensitivity, acceptance of anything OUTSIDE of SELF. Sharing in Caring, where another's joy is also yours, also satisfies, and sorrow is understood, embraced, hopefully washed, cleansed in the Light. Yes, very spiritual BUT with Understanding All One Energy, All One Source, that the sooner we view, observe, SEE how similar, how much THE SAME ALL LIFE IS - -Censored-, vegetable, mineral - ALL BORN of ONE SOURCE - and stop defining EVERYTHING trying to separate, ISOLATE All Things in some SEPARATE, INDIVIDUAL Definition / Judgement - instead of using the definitions we determine to be truthful, which often are simply the thoughts we have told ourselves - when... WHEN may we have a quiet disposition? WHEN will we start to hear SILENCE - the Silence of ACCEPTANCE - when will we STOP listening to the constant, never-ending CHATTER within ourselves - have a Quiet mind, A Silent Mind - NOT ONE NOT A SINGLE WORD - and hear SILENCE so we may then simply observe, simply view, simply SEE - just WATCH without one word, one thought - and then allow that object, person, whatever to DEFINE ITSELF TO US. We are ALREADY CONNECTED - we simply let our thoughts, our own thinking interfere with what is to be SEEN. If we may accept each other in this spirit, we are well on our way to Sharing in Caring, Acceptance & Understanding, Intimacy in Interaction, Losing ourSELF in the Other's SELF - A self-LESS SHARING, sensitive to, open to Acceptance without definition, no judgements just Caring for Truth, for Love where we can then find a glimpse of OURselves - as ONE, unified in this Love & Truth, Acceptance without having to think about it... just being in sync, in harmony, in balance as ONE. Seeing the diamonds sparkling within the morning's dew upon grass & moss in the early morning's sunrise, quietly enjoying the coffee's aroma as well as the diamonds that brilliantly dazzle our eyes in the Midnight Sky of Full Moon's reflection of the Light of the oncoming day as we sense the scent of another in the intimacy of playfulness in the pleasure shared as ONE, always in this LIGHT... If we listen to the SILENCE and SEE - NOT difference BUT how this Energy All, is ONE in the SAME, not separate but together as ONE... expressed, the exhibition is a million, billion, gazillion forms & shapes - All Born from ONE source - LIGHT, itself a crysta clear, invisible energy ONLY SEEN WHEN IT'S REFLECTED IN SOMETHING ELSE - when refracted in a prism - seeing THEN various hues, shades, COLORS - we see PURPLE as separate, different from GREEN - but BUT - seeing purple, ALL LIGHT IS PRESENT, so within THAT purple that is seen, so is there the Green, Red, Blue, Yellow - it's just we don't SEE it - but IT'S THERE - ALL ONE ... ENJOY.
My Favourite Videos: Too Many to list - said too much about myself - want to leave something for when We Meet - always a preference for Oral, 69 is DIVINE - slowly, softly, never ending - sensually exploring taking the time to extend each moment into a time to remember, to treasure... feeling the pulse, the throbbing of the member throating this explosion is scintillating and feels as if it were myself - AS ONE.


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