tcams01's Profile US

tcams01's Avatar
Name: tcams01
Birth date: 16 June, 1990
Relationship status: Single
Country: United States
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
City: Los Angeles
Joined: 8 years ago
Public videos uploaded: 3K Videos
Profile viewed: 598573 times
Other people have watched tcams01's videos: 7M times
Education: CSU
About me: I go to university for webdesign, promotion, and marketing. I like dancing, trying new things and do yoga every single day. I have been a vegan for 8 years and love all living things. Peace and love.
Interests: Yoga, Trancendental Meditation, Cooking, Swinging
My Favourite Videos: Pretty Woman. Breaking Bad.
My favourite music: Yanni, Beatles, Angélique Kidjo, Above And Beyond, Danzig
My favourite books: The Power of Now, 48 Laws of Power, 50 Shades of Grey


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